
boo2-962x10241Happy Halloween to you all! With the onset of the holidays I thought we might talk a bit about sugar. Sorry, I know that is not what you wanted to hear! This short You Tube video explains how your brain reacts to sugar.                                             (you will have to copy and paste this to view it).

While I believe that it is fine to indulge at the holidays and not restrict yourself as you do the rest of the year, do remember that sugar is addictive and it does take some time to get back to normal after the holidays. It takes me about a week to get back to eating a healthy diet as I find I crave pastries, cookies and candy after enjoying them over the holidays. So be gentle with yourself. I usually do a cleanse in January to reset my eating habits.

Another aspect of sugar is that it is detrimental to the immune system. This along with less sleep, more alcohol and holiday stress are an open invitation to pick up the illnesses lurking around you at all those holiday get-togethers. Make sure you eat plenty of healthy foods before you indulge in all the sweet stuff (and alcohol as it metabolizes the same as sugar), and try to keep some rest time for yourself among all the hub-bub. The holidays can bring on some anxiety so it’s best to be feeling good ahead of time.

We have about a month before the celebrations begin so here are some tips to prepare yourself. Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains and grass-fed meats. Avoid processed foods, junk and fast foods. Get plenty of rest, reduce stress and take care of yourself. Antioxidants will shore up your immune system too. Have a massage, get some exercise and have a Chiropractic adjustment to get your body in tip-top shape for the holidays. Most of all relax and enjoy this wonderful time of year!
Submitted by Tricia @ Nutrition by Tricia

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