I am in the last week of my 28 day cleanse and I have one more point to make! Let go of the media (TV, newspapers, radio news, toxic environments and people). I found myself so much more relaxed from…Continue Reading →
One of my favorite parts of my spring cleanse is the many adjunct therapies that go along with it. I had acupuncture last week and will have a lymphatic drainage massage this week. I am starting week 3 and feel…Continue Reading →
A few weeks ago I wrote about doing my spring cleanse. I am 8 days into it and it is going well. There is one set of toxins to remove that most don’t think of. Toxic smells are all around…Continue Reading →
Hoorah….. it is finally spring and time to to do a spring cleanse. I take cleansing very seriously and believe that your body needs it! For me it has many components. Diet, supplements, mild exercise, hydrotherapy, massage, grounding, chiropractic…Continue Reading →