ddempwpFebruary 8, 2019Heart Health, Heart WellnessComments Off on Atherosclerosis Reduction Recommendations
The 6 Best Supplements and Herbs for Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis is a condition in which cholesterol, calcium, and other substances, collectively referred to as plaque, clog your arteries. This blocks blood flow to your vital organs, especially the heart. It sometimes…Continue Reading →
Guess what…..the government has said you can eat eggs again! Happy Easter and a nutritious one as well. For the past half century, cholesterol has been touted as unhealthy, and dietary fat and cholesterol have been portrayed as being among…Continue Reading →
ddempwpFebruary 14, 2014Heart WellnessComments Off on Cardiovascular Disease
ATHEROSCLEROSIS AND HYPERTENSION Atherosclerosis is a process in which fatty substances (cholesterol and triglycerides) are deposited in the walls of medium to large arteries, eventually leading to the blockage of that artery. Hypertension is high blood pressure. The two are rather…Continue Reading →
Heart disease is a scary problem, one that is becoming more and more common in today’s society. While everyone should practice good cardiovascular nutrition, those who are at a particularly high risk for heart disease should work even harder at…Continue Reading →
ddempwpApril 6, 2012Heart WellnessComments Off on Cardiovascular Nutrition Products Lead to a Happy Heart
The heart is, quite obviously, the most important organ in the entire body. It is what keeps us alive and in good health. What many people fail to realize, however, is that the heart doesn’t work alone. It relies…Continue Reading →