The Thrival Theory

thethrivaltheory__27049.1405478745.1280.12801All throughout history, all the great leaders, all the great minds and all the most successful individuals understood something. There was a golden thread that ran through their lives. They understood a higher wisdom that governed how they ran their lives that remained a secret to the rest of the world. Gratitude and a positive attitude and other tips can help you to be happy and live the life that you wish for yourself.
Dr. Dave Jensen has written a book to help you to understand and live these concepts. It is titled “The Thrival Theory” and you can download it here. Perception, health, fitness, community and perseverance are some of the topics he discusses to not just survive but to thrive in a changing world. The importance of a balanced spiritual life, love, compassion and sustainable living will help you to move into peace and harmony with this world and yourself.
Dr. Dave believes that one tool that cannot be overlooked is information contained in books.  The books that you will see on this website will all deal with some facet of a “Balanced Approach to Health“.  It takes a wholistic view of Body, Mind and Soul for complete health, and you will find materials dealing with those subjects on
Submitted by Tricia @ Nutrition by Tricia

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