I have been talking about the immune system lately so I thought a recipe for a good immune boosting soup was in order. I would add shiitaki mushrooms also. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, once said, “Let food be thy…Continue Reading →
TriciaJanuary 31, 2018immune system, UncategorizedComments Off on How To Build A Healthy Immune System In Your Child
Last time I talked about the pitfalls of having a healthy immune system in our society, and my concerns about the children of today. So how do you have a child with a healthy and fully functional immune system? It…Continue Reading →
TriciaSeptember 30, 2017immune systemComments Off on The Immune System
I have to get on my soapbox today after seeing ads for a new cancer drug that helps the immune system fight cancer. So it is common prenatal care to give a woman vaccinations, antibiotics, anti-depressants, fast food, junk food,…Continue Reading →
ddempwpOctober 22, 2014immune systemComments Off on Staying Healthy During The Ebola Crisis
First I have to ask is it a crisis? A concern yes, but I feel that the media is giving this too much fear based attention. The media is very good at spreading fear and this current situation is certainly…Continue Reading →
ddempwpOctober 11, 2014Auto ImmunityComments Off on Auto-immune System
Auto-immune disorders have become more prevalent in our society since we introduced antibiotics, vaccines, processed foods, fast foods, junk foods full of sugar and moved away from eating healthy whole foods. Our digestive systems cannot deal with all this…Continue Reading →