Amino acids, protein and neurotransmitters are important for a sense of well being



NEUROTRANSMITTERS: Chemicals that are released at the end of a nerve cell when a nerve impulse arrives there. They diffuse across the gap to the next cell and alter the membrane of that second cell to either inhibit or excite it.

Image11The brain controls every cell in the body. It is responsible for movement, thought, behavior, sensations, and memory. The brain needs nourishment, as does every other part of the body. The brain feeds on the chemical ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This energy fuels the neurotransmitters. The brain has billions of neurons that function as microcomputers. Inside each neuron, nerve impulses are conducted electrically. The neurotransmitters are the chemicals that allow the brain cells to communicate with each other. Information is exchanged from one neuron to another. Neurotransmitters have specific functions, some carry pain messages, some order voluntary muscle movement, some cause excitatory emotional responses, others are inhibitory. All of the reactions we have to everything depend on the chemical language of the brain, the neurotransmitters. How we feed the brain can affect our production of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters determine our mental and emotional state of well being.. Proper nutrition and supplementation can enhance and correct the minds mood, memory, and behavior.

The diagram above shows how neurotransmitters are released from the nerve ending, after an electrical impulse, and the receptors that await it. Once the neurotransmitter is released it diffuses across the synaptic cleft and is bound for a short time by the post synaptic receptor.

All major neurotransmitters are made from amino acids and dietary protein. Amino acids are found in our protein foods. Adequate protein is needed to assure enough amino acids to make adequate neurotransmitters. ADD and hyperactive children have low levels of neurotransmitters. Apathy, lethargy, difficulty concentrating, loss of interest, and insomnia all result from not enough amino acids in the diet, which in turn affects the production of neurotransmitters.

Neurotransmitters are very important to our quality of life. If we alter our brain chemistry thru drugs (recreational or prescription) the receptors are filled with these drugs and eventually the brain does not function optimally. Without proper nutrition a deficiency of neurotransmitters will also lead to the improper transport of nerve impulses that direct every function of the body.

So a healthy diet, proper amounts of protein and amino acids have a lot to do with how you feel, your mood and your sense of joy and .


Submitted by Tricia @ Nutrition by Tricia




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