

 I am moving to be closer to my Mother. She is 93 now and I need to be there to help her. This picture is her 90th birthday and a tribute to how wonderful life can be in old age…Continue Reading →


Just wanted to wish one and all a healthy, Happy New Year! My best advice…..eat real food, get out in nature, sleep and pamper yourself, be your own best friend. The best way to take charge of your health is…Continue Reading →

Paleo vs Ketogenic Diet

                               Ketogenic Diet vs. Paleo Diet: How They Differ: They are two of the most popular diets today—and not just for their weight loss benefits. Both the…Continue Reading →

Ketogenic Diet

I found that a lot of you were interested in the ketogenic diet. I explained what that was a few weeks ago, and here are some more specifics about what to eat. Go through the pantry, fridge, freezer, and secret…Continue Reading →

Enzymes Are Important

So how important are enzymes? Very important indeed. First what are enzymes? Enzymes are biological molecules (typically proteins) that significantly speed up the rate of virtually all of the chemical reactions that take place within cells. They are vital for life…Continue Reading →